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AAA Auto Insurance Company Of Florida

AAA Auto Insurance Company of Florida can help you get a great deal on a top quality auto insurance policy.  Finding the right policy for your car is easy, whether you need a policy for your new car, or looking to improve the coverage and savings you have now, you can count on AAA Auto Insurance of Florida. Here are some things you should know before you buy your auto insurance from AAA or any other insurance company in FL.

AAA Auto Insurance Company Of Florida Meets State Requirements

If you live in Florida, own a vehicle with four wheels and plan to register it, you must have auto insurance with at least $10,000 property damage liability (PDL).  PDL covers you if you or a family member has an accident with your vehicle and causes property damage.

You may also need to get a policy with AAA Auto Insurance of Florida even if you don’t live in Florida.  If you have a vehicle in Florida for more than 90 days during a 365-day period you must purchase personal injury protection (PIP) and property damage liability insurance coverage.

AAA Auto Insurance of Florida can also add coverage for bodily injury liability (BIL) which pays for serious and permanent injury or death when you cause an accident. AAA Auto Insurance Company will pay for injuries up to the limits of your policy and provide legal representation for you if you get sued. AAA Auto Insurance of Florida BIL pays for injuries caused by you or members of your family who live with you, even if they were driving someone else’s vehicle. It may also cover others who drive your automobile with your permission so make sure to ask when you compare policies.

AAA Auto Insurance Company Of Florida Money Saving Tips

AAA Insurance Company of Florida has auto rates that are often much less than the rates you are paying now. Plus, AAA offers discounts for your good driving record and for safety features on your vehicle.

Some of the discounts offered by AAA Auto Insurance of Florida are:

  • Alarms
  • Driver Side Airbags
  • Driver Training & Defensive Driving Courses
  • Good Driver Record
  • Good Student: for drivers under the age of 25, who have maintained a B average for the preceding semester in high school or college
  • Mature Driver: for drivers between 50-65 years old
  • Multi-Car: for those insuring more than one car with the same company
  • Multi-Policy: for those insuring both their property and automobiles through the same company
  • Seat Belts & Anti-Lock Brakes

Don’t forget to look at your current deductible to see if it makes sense for you.  If you are driving less than you used to and have the budget to cover it in the event of an accident, consider raising your deductible.  The price of your AAA Auto Insurance policy will drop.

Of course, if you are also a AAA Auto Club member, you will get an additional discount from AAA Auto Insurance of Florida.

AAA Auto Insurance Company Of Florida: Facts To Know

Once you set up your auto insurance policy with AAA Auto Insurance of Florida, you will need to keep your coverage up-to-date.  If you let your coverage lapse, the State of Florida can take away your Florida driver’s license for up to three years or until you get proof of coverage again.  You may also have to pay a fee of $150 to $500 to re-instate your coverage.

Keep in mind that Florida does not make any exceptions to this rule – if you don’t have current coverage, you can’t drive, not even to work. Make sure you select the best policy for your budget and your needs from AAA Auto Insurance of Florida so you can keep your coverage current at all times.

All vehicles that you own and register in Florida must be covered on your AAA Auto Insurance of Florida policy, whether they are in use or not.

Average Cost Of Auto Insurance In Florida

In 2005, the average annual cost of auto insurance in Florida was $1,063 which is above the national average.  Make sure you look at all the discounts that apply to you when you compare your AAA Auto Insurance of Florida coverage and you’ll keep your costs under control.

Some Insurance Companies Represented By AAA Auto Insurance Of Florida

In addition to offering Florida car insurance through their own insurance company, Florida’s AAA auto insurance agents can also offer quotes from some of the following companies:

  1. AAA Auto Club South Insurance Company

  2. AIG

  3. Drive Insurance from Progressive

  4. Infinity Select and Travelers of Florida.

  5. Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Co.

  6. Traveler’s Auto Insurance Company

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